Fast Payday Loans: Things You Need to Know

Many online websites overpromise or just deceive you when it comes to fast payday loans.

Here is an ad example right from the internet: “Our online form means cash in just 30 minutes.”

Actually, if you read the fine print, it is 30 minutes to review your completed form but NOT to get your cash.

Or: “The whole process could take as little as 30 minutes, and you could walk away with up to $500 in same-day cash!”

Both of these are really not true and are very deceptive.

Fast Payday Loans Things You Need to Know

Do Fast Payday Loans Really Exist?

Unless you walk into a ‘store’ that lends directly to you, you will never get cash in 30 minutes, and chances are very high not even in that circumstance. But online, this is just a lie! It takes time for a lender to verify your information, contact you and then if approved, transfer money into your account.

The standard is 1 (one) business day, after you are approved, before the money is in your account. There are very rare exceptions but use this standard as what you should expect.

Fast payday loans do exist especially when you compare this to any traditional process for getting a loan which often takes days or weeks to complete.


Important Things to Consider Before Getting Fast Payday Loans

Not everyone is approved for a loan. Even if approved, you must always ask your lender, after reviewing and agreeing to their terms, when you will get the money in your account. This is very important for any person who wants a short-term, fast payday loan.

Why should you avoid driving to a local lending store? Well, it is quite simple. They are usually one location or one of a few with very limited funds and even tighter lending guidelines.

Related Article: Bad Credit Loans: An Easy Source of Emergency Funds

Why You Should Consider CashOne for Fast Payday Loans

At CashOne, we have a high approval rate, over 70%, but we can’t get everyone approved. By requesting your loan at, you can use the power of our referral system to over 100 lenders that will increase your odds for approval and a fast payday loan.

That makes sense, right?

Work with a long proven expert in the payday loan industry and use the many connections CashOne has established to get the best chance of approval for your loan request. We work with high-quality lenders who have the money to lend and want to lend to as many people as possible. Apply now!

Related Article: Instant Payday Loans: The Fastest Remedy for Emergency Situations



Robin Williams

Robin Williams is the General Manager at CashOne, a reputable financial services company that helps consumers tide over their short-term financial crises. Our fast, convenient, and secure online loan application eliminates the unnecessary hassles or time required to procure payday loans online.

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