A next-day payday loan is just what it sounds like. This is a loan that after you have completed and submitted your loan request and been approved (a short 5 minute or so process), will allow you to speak with your lender. If you accept the loan offer, you will get your loan funds in just 1 business day. This means the next day in most circumstances. Keep in mind that banks are closed on weekends so a loan approved on the weekend will not fund until the following Monday or one business day.
The entire process of next-day loans online is simple, fast, and secure. Here are the basic steps of the process:
Loan requirements for getting a next-day payday loan vary based on the state you live in. However, there are some basic requirements that every state has in place. These include:
There may be other requirements or information needed depending on your state regulations. Your direct lender will walk you through any needed data while on the phone with you (after you are approved for a loan).
First, be sure you are comfortable repaying your loan with the terms and conditions of the loan itself. Second, make sure you are using this loan for emergency purposes such as a car breakdown, medical bill, utility bill, to cover checks you have issued, or even groceries. Next-day payday loans are not meant for everyday expenses but urgent cash needs that can then be repaid on your next pay date.
These loans are not for everyone but are highly regulated and safe to use for emergency use. You can expect to pay from $10-30 per $100 borrowed depending on where you live. Each state has different regulations so check your state website or ask your lender what your fee will be for a loan before you agree to accept it.
Many people want to get a next-day loan with no credit check. This is actually a standard part of the payday loan process. Direct payday loan lenders do not do hard credit checks that could impact your scores. Instead, they look closely at your recent and current income as it indicates your ability to repay your loan most accurately. And you can get a next-day payday loan even with poor or bad credit. This is also common as more than 50% of all borrowers for next-day loans with bad credit are approved.
After completing and submitting your loan request you can expect (if approved) to get your cash in your account in just 1 business day. It is deposited directly into your checking account. This is the fastest way to get your approved loan money to you.
When you request a next-day loan for bad credit, we know you need the cash urgently. Speed is very important in these situations. That is why we keep the loan request form short and secure and process your request in just seconds. With more than 100 direct lenders to review your request, we provide the best odds of getting approval for you. Not all loans are approved but about 80% of all requests are approved for next-day payday loans.
Our direct lenders are licensed in the states they lend in as required by law. Lenders are regulated by both state and federal laws to protect consumers.
You can use a next-day payday loan for any purpose you wish. We recommend only using a payday loan for urgent expenses or needs.
Every state has different regulations for the maximum fees that can be charged for a next-day payday loan online. The fees vary from $10-$25 per $100 borrowed for most states. You can find the fees for your state on their website or just ask your lender.
There are 2 things you can do to increase your odds of approval. 1) make sure you complete ALL the information on the loan request form and make sure it is accurate 2) make sure you need the loan and have enough income to qualify and pay back the loan. You should be comfortable you can repay the loan including the fees when it is due.
Yes, it is not only possible, but it is standard with payday loans. All payday loans with no credit check are standard. Direct lenders do not perform hard credit checks. Instead, they use sophisticated databases to check your information electronically. But your recent and current income are the most important factor in gaining loan approval.