If you are unemployed and you need money for emergency expenses like your medical bills, auto repair bills, food, or other urgent needs, then you can request emergency cash loans for unemployed. Most people believe if they are unemployed, they cannot get an emergency loan with no job, but this is not always the case.
Traditional lenders would never consider providing a loan to anyone who is unemployed. However, payday lenders can work with a much greater variety of customers including those seeking emergency loans for the unemployed.
A payday lender may be willing to work with you. The key is that you can provide some assurance you will be receiving payments so that you can repay the loan. Perhaps you have a job lined up or have started it but not received your first paycheck. Or you have a good recent payment history. If your unemployment check is large enough and you have a part-time job too then you may still qualify. You should also only ask for the minimum amount you need; no sense in having additional fees to pay if you do not need the extra money right now. Only request what you absolutely need.
The process is the same as if you were employed. You simply go to the loan request form and complete it and submit it. Be sure to list any income you are receiving no matter how small. List things like disability payments, food stamps, any kind of government assistance, and so on. As noted above, also make sure potential lenders know if you are starting or have just started a new job. This will improve your chances considerably.
The requirements for getting emergency loans with no job are the same as any payday loan. They include the following basic guidelines:
There may be other information that a lender will request depending on what you submit initially. Be as accurate as possible as discrepancies can disqualify you.
CashOne is the right place to be. We have served more than 500,000 people and have more than 120 lenders to refer you to. We do this to provide the maximum opportunity for each and every person seeking a payday loan. Our success rate is high but not all those who request a loan are approved.
As noted above there are circumstances where unemployed are provided payday loans. Each situation is unique so do not hesitate to request the loan. There are no cost and lenders process payday loans without credit checks.
Generally speaking, not having a bank account even if employed will lead to your request being rejected. The primary reason is the lender will deposit your loan into your account directly and get paid back the same way. Without a bank account, you could be anyone and they know they will not recover the loan money in virtually every case.
Yes, you can get payday loans online with fast approval even if unemployed and have a bad credit history. The typical time it takes to get your cash in just 1 business day if you are accepted. Bad credit is not an issue as most payday loans for unemployed are people with poor credit and the lenders already know this.
You can always get quick approval on emergency loans with no job if you meet any specific lender’s criteria when you submit your loan request. It takes about 2-3 minutes to complete the form and less than 2 minutes to get an answer. If approved, loan funding occurs in one business day.
Payday lenders process requests without traditional credit checks. They know that most people they will lend to have poor credit, so they expect this to be the case. Any income you have, or will have soon, will be especially important to the lender during the review process.