Let Your Employer Know Your Value to the Organization
Many employers underpay their employees making them less motivated to perform their duties, some employees opt to resign from duty. This scenario creates under-employment making many to be in a financial difficulty that can only be solved through loan applications. There are many ways you can let your employer appreciate your value so that a commensurate pay is given. Such ways include:
Attending to your duty
The business environment is competitive and requires a lot of employee commitment to enable the management meet its goals. This demands that you be committed to your duties and beat the deadlines. Avoid wasting time on social media sites instead diligently do your work as per the job description.
Learning something that adds value to the business
There are lots of technological and procedural changes that can be learned through seminars and conferences. Some of them can be found online. It is upon you to learn this knowledge and share it with your employer. This will create trust and confidence between you and the employer. You can share new procedural processes that you realize can increase efficiency and enhance output of the business once implemented. This is enough to convince the employer that you are valuable and therefore should not be under paid.
Doing more than your job description
Avoid saying ‘this is not my job” if you have the ability to competently handle it. Instead, go the extra mile to help the organization and the employer in carrying out some duties that are not found within your job description. This will show your employer that there is a general caring towards the organization and its customers..
Be a problem solver
There is no organization without problems. Always device means of solving problems that crop up in line of your duties. However, exercise some discretion to avoid conflicts.
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