When Is the Best Time to Buy a Payday Loan?

Financial emergencies can occur unexpectedly and even worse when your payday is weeks away. No matter how careful you are with your finances, you can never predict when you will get sick or if your car will need to be repaired. When medical or car repair emergencies happen, where do you turn to? Payday loans.

If you have got income on a monthly basis, you can get quick cash for emergencies by applying for an online payday loan. The loan is approved instantly, unlike with traditional bank loans that may take weeks to be approved.

Payday Loans

Applying for a Payday Loan There are some requirements you must meet to be approved for online payday loans. In particular, you must be over 18 years, have an active checking account, and have been in permanent employment for 3 to 6 months. Most lenders also require borrowers to be earning at least $1500 to be eligible for a loan.

If you meet the lenders' requirements, only then you can apply for the loans online. Simply go to a payday lender’s website, provide your basic information and the amount of cash you need and wait for it to be deposited in your bank account. The online application process is simple and takes a short time. When you finish the application, the money will be deposited into your checking account on the same day.

Online payday loans are meant for small emergencies and hence you can borrow from as low as $100. You should apply for a loan that is lower than you income.

When Should You Apply for Online Payday Loans? Payday loans have to be paid back on your next payday. Most lenders require borrowers to pay back the cash between 7 to 14 days. Therefore, if you wish to apply for a loan, it’s best to wait until your payday is one or two weeks away. This way, it will be easy to get approved for a loan.

If you get a financial emergency and your payday is still weeks away, then you can get relief by applying for a payday loan.

Related Post: Payday Loans: Get Cash for Your Emergency Needs


Robin Williams

Robin Williams is the General Manager at CashOne, a reputable financial services company that helps consumers tide over their short-term financial crises. Our fast, convenient, and secure online loan application eliminates the unnecessary hassles or time required to procure payday loans online.

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