8 Productive Tips to Put Your Career in Fast Lane in 2014
Many people look at the New Year as a time of change. You can look back over the past year and make lists about what you want to do differently and habits you want to create or break. Getting a raise is commonly at the top of most peoples' lists.
The following 8 tips can help you jump start your career during the coming year:
- Write your perfect job description. Know what you want your perfect job to consist of and set things in motion to make it happen. Take a class or learn a new skill if that's what it takes.
- Personal branding. Create a personal brand that showcases what is important to you. Choose a signature that represents who you are and what you stand for.
- Professional connectivity. Build a professional network by connecting with individuals in your particular area of expertise. Interact with them on a regular basis to establish a positive working relationship and allow others to get to know you.
- Set your own standards. Take an objective look at yourself and create your own self-image. Don't let others opinions determine your value and self-worth. Build on your strengths and find a way to improve on your weaknesses.
- Never refuse help from others. Every person can teach you something. Team work allows everyone to contribute and gain something from the process. Look for ways to include others in your projects.
- Stay true to yourself. Don't sell yourself short. If you have the skills needed to do a particular job, step up and apply for it. Look for projects that will challenge you.
- Don't hide yourself. Add a personal photo to your signature on emails. Make sure it is appropriate and change it every 3 or 4 weeks. People will begin to take notice.
- Include others in your dream. Build a support system that consists of mentors, advisers, friends and colleagues who can help you get where you need to be.
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